Sandbach Newborn Photographer / Why Choose a Newborn Photoshoot at Home

Those first few weeks are like nothing else, and even though the days and nights can feel long, the weeks, months and years fly past so quickly! You are in the newborn bubble that feels so special. This is why I feel so honoured to capture those precious moments for parents and children to treasure for years to come.

So what does baby led mean?

Baby-led means we follow the baby’s lead on what feels good and comfortable for them. So if baby wants to stay in Mum and Dads arms, I am fine by me, if baby is awake the entire session then that’s what we capture! Baby-led means that the order of these images is true to this time of your lives.. I only do one newborn session a day therefore, there will be no rush. The session will take place in the comfort of your own home, at the heart of your baby’s little nest! The session is totally stress-free, I allow enough time for each session to be baby lead.

I adore babies, nothing is better than a baby cuddle but during a newborn session, I have a very hands-off approach to babies. Baby spends most of the session in the place they love the most, your arms. If the baby needs feeding or changing, don’t worry it’s all part of the process and adds to the story.

I use gentle guiding to get you positioned in the perfect light for a natural vibe throughout your images.

I love all the little details….hands, feet, facial expressions, and more.

Going with the flow

My style of photography is a mix of documentary-style and lifestyle. I capture organic moments to ensure the photos will tell the honest and unscripted story mixed with directional placing of you and your family. This is why you get a good mix of authentic storytelling and family portrait. Every parent hopes to remember every detail of their little ones’ time as a newborn, the faces they make while sleeping, those cute little smiles as they dream (even if it is just wind), or how very tiny they look in your arms, I will be capturing all that for you. It doesn’t matter if your baby is asleep or awake, with this session being at your home baby feels more comfortable.

These sessions are very intimate so I ask for only immediate family to be present and any siblings. Any pets are always welcome of course!

Your little one will always be treated with the highest level of care.

Your precious little bundle’s safety and well-being is my absolute number one priority throughout. My style is a very natural laid-back approach, I do not put your baby into any awkward uncomfortable studio poses. I do not use props or do any poses that would put your baby at risk. Any poses they will be doing is to position them as they would naturally be in, like lying on their tummy or on their back. Your newborn is perfect, and that is what I capture. I do not use baskets and props, instead, I capture the start of your baby’s life and the authentic bond between baby and you.

It’s all about the softness of the natural light

I do not use any flash or studio lighting in my sessions I only use natural light. It gives such a beautiful softness. All we need is a room with good window light. Even if its a grey rainy day don’t worry

If you’d love to have special memories documented in your home, download my brochure below.

Nicola x